Living Abroad in Australia: A Guide to Expenses

Australia is known for its high standard of living, quality education, and diverse culture. However, it’s also known for its high cost of living, which can make it difficult for international students to budget and plan their expenses. In this comprehensive guide, we will take a closer look at the cost of living and studying in Australia, including tuition fees, accommodation, food, and other living expenses.

Tuition Fees

One of the most significant expenses for international students in Australia is tuition fees. The tuition fees vary depending on the institution and the course you choose to study. On average, international students can expect to pay between AUD 20,000 and AUD 45,000 per year for a bachelor’s degree and between AUD 22,000 and AUD 50,000 per year for a master’s degree.

It’s worth noting that some courses, such as medicine and dentistry, can be significantly more expensive, with tuition fees ranging from AUD 60,000 to AUD 80,000 per year. Additionally, some institutions charge higher tuition fees for international students compared to domestic students.


Another significant expense for international students in Australia is accommodation. Depending on where you choose to live, the cost of accommodation can vary significantly. In general, the accommodation cost is highest in major cities such as Sydney and Melbourne.

On-campus accommodation is generally the most affordable option, with prices ranging from AUD 150 to AUD 400 per week. However, on-campus accommodation is limited and may not be available to all international students.

Off-campus accommodation is typically more expensive, with prices ranging from AUD 200 to AUD 800 per week. The most common types of off-campus accommodation include homestays, shared apartments, and private apartments. Homestays are a popular option for international students as they offer the opportunity to live with a local family and experience Australian culture firsthand.

Food and Drinks

Food and drinks are another significant expense for international students in Australia. Eating out can be expensive, with a meal at a mid-range restaurant costing between AUD 20 and AUD 40. Fast food restaurants such as McDonald’s and KFC are generally cheaper, with meals costing between AUD 8 and AUD 15.

Groceries can be more affordable than eating out, but prices can vary depending on where you shop. Major supermarket chains such as Coles and Woolworths offer affordable options, while specialty stores and small independent grocers can be more expensive.


Transportation is another expense to consider when living and studying in Australia. Public transportation is widely available in major cities, with options such as buses, trains, and trams. The cost of public transportation varies depending on the city and the mode of transport. For example, a single trip on public transportation in Sydney can cost up to AUD 4.50, while a monthly pass can cost up to AUD 185.

For international students who plan to travel frequently, it may be worth considering purchasing a car. However, owning a car can be expensive, with costs such as insurance, registration, and fuel adding up quickly.

Health Insurance

All international students in Australia are required to have health insurance. Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) is the most common type of health insurance for international students, and the cost will depend on the length of your stay and the level of coverage you require. OSHC can cost anywhere from AUD 400 to AUD 2000 per year.

Some universities offer their own health insurance plans, which can be cheaper than OSHC. It’s important to research your options and choose a plan that provides adequate coverage for your needs.

Miscellaneous Expenses

There is a range of miscellaneous expenses that you should also consider when planning your budget for studying in Australia. These can include textbooks, stationery, and other study materials, as well as social activities like sports and entertainment.

Textbooks can cost anywhere from AUD 100 to AUD 500 per semester, so it’s worth checking if you can borrow textbooks from the library or buy second-hand books from other students. Many universities also offer free or low-cost printing services and discounts on study materials.

In conclusion, studying in Australia can be an excellent opportunity for international students seeking high-quality education and a unique cultural experience. However, it is essential to consider the cost of living and studying in Australia before making a decision. This comprehensive guide has provided a thorough overview of the various expenses involved, including tuition fees, accommodation, transportation, and healthcare. By carefully planning and budgeting, international students can ensure that they have a comfortable and affordable experience in Australia. Despite the high costs, the country’s excellent education system and diverse cultural landscape make it a worthwhile investment for many students.